Its about time I start decorating, & I'm enjoying it. This week's project is my living room. Hanging curtains and, putting up pictures, paintings, and shelves. So far my least favorite thing about all this is the curtains. Whoever thought hanging curtains would be easy hasn't come accross my walls! After drilling my first hole I encountered concrete; an unfortunatly unpenetrable force with my puny drill & drill bit.
So, after drilling more holes (thinking I could avoid the concrete, which I couldn't) I decided to talk to my neighbors. They gave me all the concrete drill bits I needed, and they lended me a big heavy duty drill too! I was able to drill one very perfect hole before I was exhausted! Drilling through concrete is NOT fun! Its hard, so I decided to call it quits for now until my neighbors get home. Then I'm hoping they'll come to my rescue and drill the rest of my hole so I can get my curtains up! We've had a bare window all weekend! So my task today was patching up all the holes I drilled for no reason (around 10)! I couldn't let my big boy neighbors come over and see all my failed attempts! lol That would be too embarrassing, so my wall looks good as new now! Thanks to spackle and some fresh paint! I should be done with all this by the end of the week!! I'm excited, Pictures soon to come!
In addition to my current creative nitch, I've still been reading! My most recent reads are:

A fun and easy read!

This one is also a Christian Fiction, focusing on spiritual warfare. Its about a small town who is becoming a major headquarters for a new age religion. The demons are taking over the people in the town and dragging them into this false religion. While angels are gaurding and strengthening God's elect and guiding them toward a prayer life that will overcome all the darkness in the town.
This book is also an easy read, and not too spooky. But remember it is a fictional book, so make sure you compare its authenticity to God's Word.

Soft hearts be warned, it is a very tragic story and the truth behind the horrible acts of the people in Rwanda hurts the heart! However, it is a powerful story of how Immaculee became an unmovable woman of intense faith in God Almighty!
We can all learn from her!
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